• Any items with alcohol listed as their ingredient.
• Any items that contain FLAMMABLE, EXPLOSIVE or CORROSIVE material.
Customs Duties
For all courier services including ShopBox, any invoice total which is valued above $22 USD or equivalent to $60 XCD, would attract customs duties. For further information on rate and method of taxation, please visit our website or call the Customs & Excise Department.
Charges are calculated on CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)
For ease of reference, here is a calculator to help you calculate the Customs Duties on various goods. Please call our office if an item is not listed.
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
• Televisions: Plasma, LCD or LED technology
• Flatbed scanners
• Microwave ovens
• Monitors
• Or any other glass, porcelain, ceramic or concrete products.
We can still insure them however, we insure them “externally”. Please contact us for details.
Hazmat Imports
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
• Televisions: Plasma, LCD or LED technology
• Flatbed scanners
• Microwave ovens
• Monitors
• Or any other glass, porcelain, ceramic or concrete products.
We can still insure them however, we insure them “externally”. Please contact us for details.
• Any items with alcohol listed as their ingredient.
• Any items that contain FLAMMABLE, EXPLOSIVE or CORROSIVE material.
Hazmat Imports
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
• Televisions: Plasma, LCD or LED technology
• Flatbed scanners
• Microwave ovens
• Monitors
• Or any other glass, porcelain, ceramic or concrete products.
We can still insure them however, we insure them “externally”. Please contact us for details.
• Any items with alcohol listed as their ingredient.
• Any items that contain FLAMMABLE, EXPLOSIVE or CORROSIVE material.
Hazmat Imports
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
NB: Any package received without an invoice will only be insured for maximum of USD$100.00. Your rate of $3.00 EC does not cover the following:
• Televisions: Plasma, LCD or LED technology
• Flatbed scanners
• Microwave ovens
• Monitors
• Or any other glass, porcelain, ceramic or concrete products.
We can still insure them however, we insure them “externally”. Please contact us for details.
• Any items with alcohol listed as their ingredient.
• Any items that contain FLAMMABLE, EXPLOSIVE or CORROSIVE material.
Hazmat Imports
Please note that the results of this calculator is only an estimate. The amounts are subject to change upon final assessment by the Customs Official. However, all efforts will be made to ensure that the most current rates are applied to the values you provide.
De lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Sábado de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía
Los cargos se calculan según el CIF (costo, seguro y flete)
Descargo de responsabilidad
Tenga en cuenta que los resultados de esta calculadora son solo una estimación. Los montos están sujetos a cambios tras la evaluación final por parte del funcionario de aduanas. Sin embargo, haremos todo lo posible para garantizar que se apliquen las tarifas más actuales a los valores que usted proporcione.
Reclame la exención del impuesto sobre las ventas de Florida
Nuestra dirección, 8274 NW 14th Street, Doral, Florida 33126-1517, es una dirección exenta de impuestos sobre las ventas en el estado de Florida. Esto significa que los artículos enviados a esta dirección (a su dirección de envío de EE. UU.) que se exporten (cuyo destino final esté fuera de los Estados Unidos) tienen derecho a un impuesto sobre las ventas de Florida del 0%.
ShopBox no es responsable de aplicar esta exención de impuestos a sus compras. Esto lo debe hacer tu vendedor (la tienda en la que estás comprando) al finalizar la compra. Si tu vendedor te ha cobrado un impuesto sobre las ventas, puedes solicitar un reembolso del importe del impuesto sobre las ventas haciendo lo siguiente:
Solicita tu exención de impuestos:
Paso 1: Haga clic en nuestra plantilla de correo electrónico aquí
Paso 2: Envía la carta por correo electrónico a tu comerciante para solicitar tu exención de impuestos.
Si usted es un comerciante y uno de sus clientes solicita esta exención de impuestos, consulte nuestra Certificado de agente de transporte de carga y el Lista de agentes de carga certificados del Departamento de Hacienda de Florida para obtener pruebas e información adicional.
Si es cliente y tiene alguna pregunta o duda sobre este asunto, envíenos un mensaje. Elige «Otros» como categoría principal y «Exención de impuestos» como subcategoría.
Si es comerciante y tiene preguntas, llámenos al (305) 842-4103 o póngase en contacto con nosotros mediante nuestro formulario de contacto en línea.